LEVELiTe – F100
LEVELiTe® F100 is a Micro Finish rapid setting high strength floor levelling and smoothing compound which is applied by trowel to skim rough surfaces. It has been specifically formulated for smoothing a variety of porous rough or uneven sub-floors, a wide variety of non-porous substrates such as ceramics and bonded epoxy coatings, prior to the application of resilient floor coverings, such as vinyl, cushion vinyl, LVT’s, stick-down carpets and laminated and engineered wood
Additional Product Data
LEVELiTe® F100 is a Micro Finish rapid setting high strength floor levelling and smoothing compound which is applied by trowel to skim rough surfaces. LEVELiTe® F100 can be applied at a thickness of 25 microns or more. It has been specifically formulated for smoothing a variety of porous rough or uneven sub-floors, a wide variety of non-porous substrates such as ceramics and bonded epoxy coatings, prior to the application of resilient floor coverings, such as vinyl, cushion vinyl, LVT’s, stick-down carpets and laminated and engineered wood. LEVELiTe® F100 will typically be ready for flooring installation within 15 minutes after application. NB this curing time is dependent on localised conditions.
NOTE: For internal use only due to the inability to control environmental factors such as wind or heat. It is recommended that direct to ground sub-floors be protected from rising damp to prevent dimensional changes in the floor covering (confirm the maximum permissible moisture content that the floor covering or adhesive can tolerate). LEVELiTe® is resistant to rising moisture and should not swell or delaminate if exposed to reasonable moisture. Standard European practice has evolved that when vinyl flooring is to be installed, the surface bed is to be sealed with an epoxy moisture barrier, or similar. VAPORiTe +PLUS® epoxy moisture barrier system has been specifically developed for this purpose. Please refer to the VAPORiTe +PLUS® data sheet. The surface must be hard, sound, dry and free of dust, dirt and other materials such as grease, oil and paint.
All contaminants which can act as a barrier to effective bonding between the substrate and the smoothing compound must be completely removed mechanically. Solvent based adhesive removers are not recommended.
Concrete substrates must be sound, free of oils or wax, clean and dry. Unsound previously applied smoothing compounds must be removed.
Adhesive residues on concrete must first be evaluated to establish that they are well bonded, totally dry and hard. (Any shininess is indicative that they are still flexible). If these conditions are not met, the adhesive must be mechanically ground off. LEVELiTe® F100 can be applied over these adhesive residues if the above circumstances are in accordance with the requirements.
To promote adhesion on non-porous surfaces such as ceramics, iTe SLURRY® should be applied with a mohair roller and allowed to dry.
Due to its flow characteristics, sealing strip should be placed at doorways or where the screeding compound is not desired.
BONDiTe® primer must be used as a primer before the application of LEVELiTe® . Power-floated floors, epoxy coated floors and ceramic tiles it is necessary to prime with iTe SLURRY®. When the slurry is dry, apply LEVELiTe® F100 onto the primed surface. This may slow down the drying.
Use 5.0 litres of water per 17 Kg bag of LEVELiTe® F100. For small applications do not exceed 1 litre of water per 3kg of LEVELiTe® F100. Add the powder to the required amount of clean cool water in a clean mixing container whilst using a +/- 600 RPM electric paddle mixer until a lump-free mortar is obtained. This will take approximately 4 minutes. Scrape the inside of the mixing vessel to allow any unmixed product to fall into the mixed mortar. Briefly remix for another 30 seconds before discharging onto the primed floor. Mixed LEVELiTe® F100 should be applied within 15 minutes at 20ºC. This time will be extended under colder conditions and shortened under higher temperatures. DO NOT OVERWATER.
If a thin film starts to form on the unapplied product, remix to remove any lumps
LEVELiTe® F100 should be spread over the substrate with a steel plastering trowel or squeegee, the first pass to obtain mechanical binding to the substrate, followed by a smoothing pass.
The final thickness will be dependent on the roughness of the substrate and the desired final finish. Feather the product to the required thickness.
LEVELiTe® F100 can be applied to a minimum thickness of approximately 25 microns to a maximum of 10mm in a single application.
It can also be used to create transitions between levels.
Application thickness should be to achieve the best final appearance.
Approximately 1,6g of LEVELiTe® F100 per 1mm thickness per m². For example, one 17 Kg bag of LEVELiTe® F100 will give enough material to cover approximately 11m² at a thickness of 1mm.
NOTE: The coverage figure is based on a relatively flat, even surface. Additional material should be allowed for where the surface is rough and uneven.
All data given was tested at a room temperature of 20ºC and 50% humidity. Please be aware that the drying may alter under different conditions to that of the testing laboratory. The applicator will need to adjust his work method to accommodate any changes. When applying LEVELiTe® F100 close doors and windows to minimise drafts and air movement, which may cause excessive evaporation during setting. Once the LEVELiTe® is trafficable, open the windows to allow the moisture build up in the atmosphere to equalise.
Do not ingest. Keep away from children and pets. Do not empty into drains. Wear rubber gloves, and in the event of contamination, rinse thoroughly with cold water. Seek medical advice if irritation or discomfort persists. For further information, consult the relevant health and safety data sheet.
The information supplied in our literature or given by our employees is given in good faith. We reserve the right to update this information at any time without prior notice. We guarantee the consistent high quality of our product, however we have no control over site conditions or execution of the work, we accept no liability for any loss or damage which may arise as a result thereof.
LEVELiTe® F100 is guaranteed to be free of any manufacturing defect. iTe PRODUCTS further warrants that if LEVELiTe® F100 is applied in accordance with the relevant method statement issued for the specific project, by an approved applicator, the system is guaranteed for the life of the floorcovering