JOINiTe® is a two-component epoxy used to repair cracks and saw cut joints in concrete slabs. JOINiTe® is an ultra strong pourable epoxy use to fi ll and bind cracks and joints in new or old concrete slabs.
JOINiTe® is ideal in joints and crack of between 2-3cm deep. The product has a low viscosity making it ideal to pour and use in gravity fi ll applications or can be pressure injected.
Additional Product Data
JOINiTe® is a two-component epoxy used to repair cracks and saw cut joints in concrete slabs. JOINiTe® is an ultra strong pourable epoxy use to fi ll and bind cracks and joints in new or old concrete slabs. JOINiTe® is ideal in joints and crack of between 2-3cm deep. The product has a low viscosity making it ideal to pour and use in gravity fi ll applications or can be pressure injected.
JOINiTe® is VOC free and water miscible making it easy to use in concrete slabs where moisture levels are high.
Any contamination of the substrate, such as old adhesives, oil, grease, paint, bitumen, skim plaster or any other substances which can inhibit the adhesion must be removed.
– Cracks are to be reamed out slightly wider using a handheld grinder allowing suffi cient space for the epoxy to penetrate the crack thereafter thoroughly vacuumed clean
– Saw cut joints are to be thoroughly scrapped clean (using a grinder to loosen the debris may be benefi cial) and thereafter thoroughly vacuumed clean
JOINiTe® should be applied immediately by pouring or by pressure injection the mixed content into the affected crack or desired joint or by pressure injection. The crack or joint is to be overfi lled to ensure no voids are created
The applied product should be left to cure completely, usually 12 Hours – in very cold conditions the curing reaction can be slower.
Any over applied or protruding product can be grinded down once the product has cured and hard.
Once mixed, JOINiTe® has a pot life of approximately 30 minutes and is touch dry after about 3 hours. This is highly dependent on atmospheric and concrete slab conditions thus this time may vary.
JOINiTe® comprises of two parts, which must be thoroughly mixed for 4 minutes with an electric paddle mixer. Care must be taken to ensure all the product from both part A and B are combined, as failure to do so could compromise the product’s performance
JOINiTe® is suitable for use in joints and cracks on porous and non-porous cementitious surface beds and suspended slabs, where the residual moisture content is lower than 6% using a Vi-D4 meter. Should the moisture content be higher at the time of application please consult with iTe Products technical team JOINiTe® yields a coverage of approximately 4-5Lm/kg where the joint/crack is 20mm deep and 3mm wide.
All data supplied is based on laboratory tests conducted at 20ºC, and 50% Relative Humidity. Atmospheric conditions may require adaptation to suite circumstances.
Do not ingest. Keep away from children and pets. Do not empty into a drain. With spillages wear rubber gloves, and in the event of prolonged contamination, rinse thoroughly with cold water. Seek medical attention if irritation persists. Consult our Material Safety Data Sheet for more information.
The information supplied in our literature or given by our employees is given in good faith. We reserve the right to update this information at any time without prior notice. We guarantee the consistent high quality of our products, however, we have no control over the site conditions or execution of the work. We accept no liability for any loss or damage which may arise as a result thereof.